I was once asked, if I could pick only one family of lure to catch everything, what would it be? My initial response was a jig of some kind. After thinking more about it, the in-line spinner came to mind.  As far as a casting bait goes I really can’t think of anything better for catching fish, both big and small. Spinners in general, come in sizes from #0 (being the smallest) to number five and even #6 on the larger side.

Growing up, the size 3 was my go-to when casting the shallow flats for bass and also trolling slow for evening walleyes, tipped with a new worm of course. As far as colour, I typically use a chrome on sunny days, bronze plated on the cloudy days and black when trolling for the eyes.

A growing passion for musky and pike instinctively led me to the #5. This bait, specially dressed with bucktail or Maribu, has accounted for numerous trophy fish. Big predators just can’t resist it and even giant bass seem more than eager to chomp down on this offering. 

Now let’s not forget the little size 0 and #1. These smaller spinners are outstanding for panfish and also some of the biggest trout and salmon in both lakes and streams. One thing I strongly recommend Is to always use a quality snap or in-line swivel in a complementary size to greatly help in eliminating line twist when fishing spinners.

I really hope this either inspires you to try or return to using this classic family of lures.

Best of luck!!

-By Jason Greentree